Zia Elise is a lifelong student who focuses on leading classes for those who want to journey into deeper ways of being and nourish their inner realms. She teaches with a grateful, open heart and from the understanding that yoga is much more than the physical asanas, but also a holistic way of life and sacred philosophy. She has studied with Anuttara Ashram, whose teachings are rooted in non-dual Tantra and Bhakti yoga. She also completed a 200 hour training in Peru with Jai Wellness, studying Ayurveda, the yoga of shamanism and the principles of sacred feminine alchemy.
Her magic is rooted in the spirit and innate wisdom of the natural world, as well as the dynamic combination of different modalities and practices. Zia intentionally cultivates a container that empowers radical self-expression and expansion. She is passionate about the transformation one can experience when finding their inner peace and connection to their infinite potential. Join Zia in class to soften your mind, open your heart, ground your awareness into your body and reconnect with the healing radiance of your inner light.